Keress élményt - Tervezz útvonalat - Utazz Magyarországon
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Director: Bálint Szimler
Cast: Mészöly Anna, Paul Mátis, Kovács 'Dadan' Ákos, Papp Attila, Balázs Józsi, Deák-Molnár Mihály, Mátis Inez, Ferenczi Gábor, Lökös Ildikó, Márton Eszter, Nádasi Iván László, Marozsán Erika

Young teacher Juci attempts to challenge the outdated methods in her school, while new student Palkó, recently relocated from abroad, struggles to adapt to the demanding educational system. Their personal stories offer insight into an oppressive system, reflecting the broader Hungarian society.

Awards: Locarno International Film Festival 2024: in Competition(Concorso Cineasti del Presente)

Premier: 2024.09.19.

Distributor: Mozinet


Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte German-Austrian-French-Italian-Canadian feature film, 144 min, 2009 in German, with Hungarian subtitles

angol-amerikai életrajzi dráma, vígjáték, 108 perc Főszereplők: Florence Pugh, Dwayne Johnson, Lena Headey, Vince Vaughn

Les maîtres du temps French-Swiss-West-German-English-Hungarian animation, 78 min, 1982 in Hungarian with English subtitules

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