Istennel talállak, testvérem! / I find thee with God, my brother!
I find thee with God, my brother! – Gypsy stories
I find thee with God, my brother! – Gypsy stories
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, June 23 2024
Istennel talállak, testvérem! – Cigány történetek
Devlesa arakhavtu, phrala! – Romane historiji
The new temporary exhibition at the Museum of Ethnography titled " I FIND THEE WITH GOD, MY BROTHER! - G Y P S Y S T O R I E S " focuses on the photographs and lesser-explored manuscripts and tape recordings of the legendary researcher known as the "Blonde Gypsy," Kamill Erdős (1924–1962), who operated incognito within Roma communities. The exhibition is a true curiosity. It presents for the first time the results of Erdős’s simultaneously progressive and subjective research conducted among the Roma population in Hungary during the 20th century, preserved in the collection of the Erkel Ferenc Museum in Gyula. The exhibition also demonstrates how a seemingly concluded research can continue to live on. After over half a century, ethnographers from both museums managed to locate the surviving members of the former communities and honor the memory of those who have passed away.
English texts in the exhibition space
Love is all there is: The latest production by Recirquel, Hungary's leading contemporary circus company, brings forth the only primeval energy that spans space and time to connect us all.
A musicalben árva gyerekek egy csapata kószál a háborús front kellős közepén. Egy békés hajlékra vágynak, ahová behúzódhatnak éjszakára. És természetesen egy jó falatra. Ha nem kapnak ételt, akkor elcsenik maguk. De ugyan ki tudna haragudni rájuk? Csak túl akarják élni a háborút. Ma, amikor milliók kényszerültek elhagyni otthonukat, ez is döbbenetesen ismerős üzenet.
Dumaszínház est
This production of the FrenÁk Company features adynamic team, the members of a new generation. The young, creative dancers draw…
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