Itáliai utazás 2024/25: Tíz tél / Dieci inverni
Dieci inverni
Italian-Russian-English romantic film, 99 min, 2009
in Italian and Russian with Hungarian subtitles
Dieci inverni
Italian-Russian-English romantic film, 99 min, 2009
in Italian and Russian with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Monday, December 16 2024 7:00PM
Director: Valerio Mieli
Cast: Isabella Ragonese, Michele Riondino, Glen Blackhall, Vinicio Capossela, Liuba Zaizeva, Sergei Zhigunov
The guest of the screening: Isabella Ragonese, the protagonist of the film.
It is the winter of 1999. A vaporetto crosses the Venice lagoon. Camilla "Isabella Ragonese", a shy 18-year-old, just arrived from the country to study Russian literature, noticed a boy in the crowd. He also carries a suitcase with him, he has just arrived. The two begin to look at each other: she is shy, he more brash. Silvestro "Michele Riondino" is the same age as Camilla, but unlike her, he hides his inexperience behind a naive bravado. And when the vaporetto docks, he decides to follow the girl through the misty streets of an island in the lagoon - Thus begins a ten-year adventure that will take the two boys from the daily Venice of the students to the alienating frenzy of Moscow, with its theaters and huge busy streets. Camilla and Silvestro will live other love stories, they will write, they will be roommates in the same house on the lagoon, guests at a wedding in the Russian countryside and then still passers-by distracted in the crowded Rialto market. They will be enemies, friends, acquaintances, lovers, neighbors or distant from time to time. Ten winters is a love story, or rather the prologue of a love story. A ten-year prologue, recounted in paintings: every winter is an open window to browse through the lives of two people who never completely lose each other and meanwhile grow up, marked by the difficult and splendid entrance into adulthood.
More information about the Italian Journey 2024/25 >>
The program is supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.
„Improvizációs gasztroszínház – sok röhögéssel, alapvetően édes ízben, és némi savanykás zamattal. Mindezt kultúrtörténeti szempontból több rétegben egymásra pakoljuk, aztán feltekerjük a hőfokot. Pont olyan sül ki belőle, mint egy finom flódni” – meséli Stahl Judit, az előadás megálmodója.
A zenés színház történetének egyik legjelentősebb darabja tér vissza a budapesti közönség elé.
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