Kyra Kyrklund Symposium
VIP Ticket includes: Food, drinks, lunch!
VIP Ticket includes: Food, drinks, lunch!
Kyra Kyrklund, the internationally renowned dressage rider and trainer, will host a full-day symposium for those interested in dressage on 12th of April, 2025, from 9.00 in Budapest, at the National Riding School (1087 Budapest, Kerepesi út 7.)
The master trainer, who keeps the partnership with the horse at the center of her training, works with eight excellent Hungarian horse-rider pairs in front of the audience throughout the day.
She selects training methods individually for each pair, of which build on each other, so spectators can clearly understand Kyra's training philosophy.
Don't miss this unique opportunity in Hungary, see live how the spectacular trainer of Olympic silver medalist, world champion and multiple European champion of dressage Catherine Laudrup-Dufour, works!
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